hello I am lulubuh, I am a science lover and I will love if you visit my blog too! Learn science nature with me! Volcanoes, earthquakes, ocean, the atmosphere, animals and much more! XD xoxo
quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013
Smoking, is it good or bad?
Ok, of course it's bad and you know it and people that smokes knows that is bad, but they don't stop. Why?
Smoking is a hard habit to break, because tobacco contains nicotine, that is really addictive! Ones you start you can't stop!
When you ask someone "Oh why is it smoking so bad?" and you answer " Because it's bad for our lungs!" yeah that's right, but do you know why?
Smoking is responsible for lungs cancer and others. Over 440.000 people in the USA and 100,000 in the UK die because of smoking each year!
But why does smoking raise cancer risk???
Scientists say there are over 4,000 compounds in cigarette smoke. They contain nicotine and cyanide that are poisons and damage our cells!
Smoking can also cause bad breath and slow of blood vessels which affects the skin.
To protect your life and those around you, please don't smoke, unless your on fire! Stop smoking or stop breathing!
click here to watch the video
terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013
IWatch - 2019
It looks like even in heaven Steve Jobs is working on something, it's called iWatch, not that one that already exist, there´s a rumor that the IOS creaters or who ever are they, are creating a new divice. This iWatch it's a iPhone of the size of a clock but it transmits images bigger then the "clock". It's hard to understand what I'm trying to say...here take a look
Cool huh? Coming only in 2019, i know, I can't wait!
Watch this video below of the iWatch that really looks realistic!
earthquake! DANGER!
Hey guys,
I got new stuff for you, the earthquakes! yeah earthquakes, it´s so dangerous it could cause tsunami like in Japan, poor people. I know everybody ask themselves what are the earthquakes made off (dummies) and how!?
Well...is made off earth off course, it´s caused by the movements of the tectonic plates that shakes on the ground violently, they occur suddenly, at night when you are slepping, durring your tea party, or when you are playing basketball with your friends and suddenly BAM! But only were the tectonic plates are located so...watch out!
There are types of movements of earthquakes:
Divergent plates:
That involve the movement of plates and also involve magma.
The Convergent plates:
Where one plate is literally going over another plate:
The transforming plates:
That slides on the side of each other:
I hope it helped you! Ask me a question and I will answer.
For more information watch this animated guide of earthquake:
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